About Me

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Banate, Iloilo, Philippines
BBBRMCI or Banate-Barotac Bay Resource Management Council, Inc. has been around for the last 14 years in Iloilo, Philippines promoting and implementing Coastal Resource Management among the four municipalities of Anilao, Banate, Barotac Nuevo and Barotac Viejo. contact us at bbbrmci@yahoo.com

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Anilao Coral Garden

A Coral Garden in Anilao located in Barangay Dangulaan, Anilao was established by the LGU in December 2010. This include the transplanting of coral fragments in bamboos and concrete modules and monitoring if there is significant growth in the modules. This project is one of Anilao's best practices on Coastal Resource Management.

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