About Me

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Banate, Iloilo, Philippines
BBBRMCI or Banate-Barotac Bay Resource Management Council, Inc. has been around for the last 14 years in Iloilo, Philippines promoting and implementing Coastal Resource Management among the four municipalities of Anilao, Banate, Barotac Nuevo and Barotac Viejo. contact us at bbbrmci@yahoo.com

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Public Hearing held for Anilao Marine Sanctuary

A public hearing was conducted last February 5, 2012 at Barangay Dangulaan, Anilao, Iloilo by

Sangguniang Bayan of Anilao for the proposed Anilao Marine Sanctuary The area covering 36.0

hectares consists of two delicate ecosystems; the Anilao Coral Garden (4.0 has) and the Sea

Grass Reserv e(32.0 hectares).

The crafting of this proposed ordinance was started in early 2010 and was

finalized in the late 2011. The public hearing was conducted to get the sentiments of

the affected communities and stakeholders. Affected fisherfolks aired their

sentiments but the SB stand firm on their proposal with the assurance that assistance

will be given to affected ones.

Vice Mayor June Sargado headed the public hearing together with the

Committee Chairman SB Member Warlito Araneta and other SB members of Anilao.

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