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Banate, Iloilo, Philippines
BBBRMCI or Banate-Barotac Bay Resource Management Council, Inc. has been around for the last 14 years in Iloilo, Philippines promoting and implementing Coastal Resource Management among the four municipalities of Anilao, Banate, Barotac Nuevo and Barotac Viejo. contact us at bbbrmci@yahoo.com

Saturday, March 3, 2012

BBBRMCI Celebrated 16th Foundation Week

February 28, 1996 was the signing of the Banate Bay Resource Management Agreement of 1996 between and among the Municipalities of Anilao, Banate, Barotac Nuevo and later with Barotac Viejo in 2002. 2012 marked another challenging year for the partnership with the member Municipalities and its constituents.

To simply commemorate the occasion, a week long celebration was held with the Mangrove Planting in various areas; Dangulaan, Anilao in February 24, 2012 and in San Fernando, Barotac Viejo in February 28, 2012. February 27, 2012, study tour of graduate students from Yokohama National University in Japan and a thanksgiving mass and lecture on mangrove nursery management was conducted in March 1, 2012.

The 31 BFARMC Chairmen, Barangay Officials, PNP and some LGU personnel actively participated in all the activities.

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